Thursday, March 10, 2011

Disheartening News from Ethiopia....

Last week the Ethiopian Ministry of Women’s, Children's, and Youth Affairs announced their intention to reduce intercountry adoptions by 90% beginning March 10, 2011.

The Ministry’s plan for a dramatic reduction is apparently based on two primary issues;

1) the assumption that corruption in intercountry adoption is systemic and rampant and;

2) the Ministry’s resources should be focused on the children for whom intercountry adoption is not an option.

Please consider signing the petition at the link below. You do not have to be an adoptive parent to sign.
Please help us to make a difference in Ethiopia. This change could cause thousands of orphans to not be united with the perspective families in a timely manner. It could cause thousands in the "process" to not move forward. All in all the child suffers. I am also asking that you will PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. God is bigger than this problem! The Department of State will host a caucus call with MOWA and international advocacy organizations, adoption service providers and non-government organizations THIS FRIDAY to see what they should do from this point.

Go here to sign the petition:


  1. Hi Kelly! Thanks for commenting on my blog - it's nice to "meet" you! We signed this petition, too - hoping it helps. I cannot imagine MOWA is going to be able to go through with this...
