Monday, February 14, 2011

Exciting News!

We are so excited to announce to all of you that we will be pursuing adotion from Ethiopia! God layed this on both of our hearts during the time we were adopting Lily. We knew that God was leading us to adopt a little boy and we knew he would be african american. So,here we go on another amazing journey. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us!
The process will take about a year to complete and have him home. Ethiopia requires that you travel twice, once to the court hearing and again to bring your child home. Travel will not be as long as China was though, which is a good thing. We will only be there for a couple days for the hearing and then about 5 days when we get to bring him home.
I guess I need to start thinking of another name for our blog....hummmmm!


  1. Wow, that is Awesome news!!! Congrats. So excited for your family and looking forward to following your journey!

  2. so excited for you-- so 2 more adoptions and you'll catch up to meg and me!!!
    are you using ccai??

  3. So happy you shared this news!
    Please keep us posted on the journey to your new son. And a BIG Congrats to your family!

  4. Love the new blog look! Girl you know I am so exicted!

  5. OH MY!!!! I have no idea how I missed this. Maybe I was in China?? But, anyway.... YAHOO!!! AWESOME!!! Can't wait to follow your journey to Ethiopia!
