Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Care Package Received & A New Picture of Liam

Finally!!! It has been 7 weeks since I mailed Liam's care package and today I saw that they received it. So excited to know that first of all he received it but secondly that they know who is sister is now.
It has also been 4 weeks since I have had a new picture of our sweet Liam. I know to some this may not be seem like a long time but when you are used to seeing an updated picture of you son's face every couple weeks (or less) this IS a long time. I know that we are extremely blessed to have this not get me wrong. It is however torturous to go on the Internet everyday to see if there might be a picture and then be disappointed. I LOVE seeing him and seeing how much he is growing and changing. Especially with this new haircut....check it out. He is still the cutest thing ever!


  1. So happy u got a little pic to help keep you going. Hang in there!! He is in the best hands...God's..;)
